It fits to the professionals of Physical Education, familiar and pertaining to school scope to intervine in this situation, acquiring knowledge and explicitando the benefits to possess an active life and good alimentary habits and the curses of if becoming an individual obeso, that it suffers diverse types of preconceptions, discriminations and limitations to have a normal life. The professors are the mediators of the knowledge and information, can create and mold the pupils of the form who believe to be the correct one. Of this form, next to the direction of the institutions they must promote educative lectures and events with regard to the overweight and obesidade, therefore it is in this phase where the pupils are accessible, without crystallized thoughts, developing its moral and social values, stimulating the criticidade of the same ones in what he says respect to the habits of healthful life, with being able to discern and to decide that type of citizen it wants to belong and which corporal image will have. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES BETTI, M.; SAUCERS, G.L. Media. s/d. Available in: Access in: 14 Set. 2010.
BAITELLO JNIOR, N. The slow time and the null space: primary, secondary and tertiary media. 2001. Available in: Access in: 14 Set. 2010.