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Muscle Mass

There are plenty of things you can do to increase your muscle mass, all have effects varied on the amount of muscle that helps you build. There are some things that have very little effect, as the increase in the intake of amino acids, while some have a tremendous effect, how to follow the correct diet. This trick I’ll give you however, is so important that if you knew something about the body building, this would be the same. What is this very important rule? may seem obvious at first, but I am surprised by the amount of people who do not know, or do not. The crucial tip is this: without weight gain, repetitions or series that are made, will not create any muscle mass!. Basically, if you going to the gym twice, with an interval of one week in the Middle, and in the second week not lifting more weight, perform more repetitions, or makes more sets of exercise, then no new more muscle. The basic idea of building muscle is that it puts your muscles in tension that is infrequent and irregular. In other words, if you performed the same routine two weeks in a row, the second time making it will be a waste of his time, since he does not exert more force on the muscles, and therefore the muscles do not have to adapt (grow) to meet the requirements you need to lift weights. How can I use this information?You can use this information in a single way, and trust me, you will see a dramatic increase in the amount of muscle mass. The next time you go to the gym, taking a record book (if not already done so) and write everything you do regarding your training. The next time you go to the gym, make sure you raise at least one of the following aspects: 1. weight you are lifting up (usually not possible) 2. Number of sets which takes place 3. Number of repetitions in each series if it does not, can assure you that you will see great progress. If you want more great original and easy-to-implement tips on how to increase your mass muscle, take a look at the following page: increase muscle mass offers many well-written articles on every aspect of the life of gymnastics, the foods that you should eat and the best technique to lift weights. Original author and source of the article.

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The third is the emergence of toxic substances as a result of exposure radiation. That is, cells receiving a dose of radiation, not only stop function normally, but they themselves are toxic, and begin to poison the body. Incidentally, the radiation in small doses, always present and it is not a threat until it becomes acceptable to our normy.K Fortunately, the toxins can not only enter the body, but also permanently removed from it. In the first place – is, of course, through the gastrointestinal tract. Then, liver, kidneys, which are actively purify the blood and discharge of the neutralized possible toxins in the gastrointestinal tract. Virtually all agencies involved in this by adjusting the presence of harmful substances in the blood. (When the concentration of toxins increases, they purify the blood. But when they have the opportunity to take off again into the blood, that would derive from the body through the liver or kidneys. The main thing is not to poison the brain.) Well, of course, a role played by the lungs, skin and mucous membranes. There is an ongoing process: we load the toxins and the body in all possible ways to get rid of them. While the concentration of toxins does not exceed a certain threshold, then everything is in order. But what happens when the amount of toxins increases? Back to our pipeline. Toxic substances can be imagine how crazy killer roaming the factory. He periodically fire intermittently, killing workers and supervisors. While the crazy one, killed the "workers and supervisors' time to replace, but when the killer becomes more toxins anyway, sooner or later leads to the fact that through the process skips genetically modified cells. One cell, even if it were radioactive, can not represent a danger for the organism, because eventually it will die, and output from the body, even if the harm neighboring thousands of cells.

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