Club Credit

Not just once or twice this author wanted to break away from the computer to straighten the tired back, and a couple of hours 'shake' the biceps on the company's simulator, with subsequent (or previous) session wellness massage. And every time I stopped by the fact that fitness clubs are extremely reluctant to have a one-time customer service, preferring to sell annual (or annual) subscription to visit gyms. Lay out of his pocket a sum once more difficult and psychologically – this is not like a fitness club, and money he has 'uplocheny'! To solve health problems for workers offices, some banks have developed a special credit program 'Fitness in credit ', which allows the customer makes monthly payments for the use of the fitness club and sports facilities. Such loans typically do not need to provision and design of a credit transaction in the bank. The credit agreement can be issue directly in the fitness club. Application for extension of credit is usually seen within one day. Lending programs for payment of membership to a fitness club differ from standard programs of consumer Lending by the fact that at the conclusion of the loan agreement the borrower is given a plastic card that is used to repay the loan. Replenish your account the borrower can not only in the offices of the creditor bank, but also in fitness center. The loan amount shall not exceed 150 thousand rubles, the loan can cover no more than 75% of the annual club membership card. Such a loan is usually enough to get a club card for the whole family for a year. In some cases the bank may agree to purchase a six-month subscription. In this case, the borrower pays for itself 2 month membership at the fitness club, a loan covering the remaining cost. The minimum loan amount can not be less than 300 dollars. As we have said, mortgage payments can be made at any bank branch or at your favorite health club. The loan is repaid in equal monthly installments, if desired, you can make early repayment. Guarantees to banks for this type of loan provides fitness clubs. If the borrower ceases to repay debt, the bank will cancel your credit line and notifies the fitness center, which, in turn, stops the Club membership for unscrupulous clients. Can only wish for everyone to live a healthy lifestyle success in work and career! No matter how convenient fitness loan to the borrower, in a civilized society debts taken pay, but it needs to work hard and earn a lot! And why not, if health allows

Author: admin