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Smoking Cessation Through Hypnosis

The liberation of the addiction leads through the subconscious every smoker of cigarettes not more than enjoyment long but rather regards as torture and has ever tried to quit, who knows how it feels. The constant tingling nervousness that turns one into a nervous powder keg. A all day not satisfied you can also the nagging sense of loss, because all of a sudden, in the hand, something is missing and of course the idea. Everything is at this time the cigarette, or rather that it no longer has them. Quickly gets into oblivion, that the cigarette is the enemy, by which to separate you actually had before. Smoking can really become the mental agony for one or the other. But it is also different. Smoking is an addiction. Who can admit are this has already done the first step into a new, smoke-free life. Because who knows that he is sick, can get help. Hypnosis has become a very good and recognized method for smoking cessation. The problem is most of the time namely far deeper hidden inside, than many think. Namely in the subconscious. This smoking cessation comes in with a hypnotic therapy specifically. This kind of smoking cessation can perform individual hypnosis sessions, as well as using self hypnosis. With the same amazing results. Smoking cessation is via Autohypnose always increasing popular. This is not least because that this method as opposed to others is very cheap and yet effective. So, the concept was developed for smoking cessation through a hypnosis CD by a chain smoker, who at the time managed to liberate it and later also other self hypnosis and suggestion of the smoke.

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About Dr Dentists

“Current debate is stuck in the position thinking / cost transparency remains big shortcoming of Dr. Z’s founder Alexander Berstein: we need modern approaches, which are based on the reality of life of patients and dentists.” Dusseldorf, May 16, 2013 the dental sector in Germany is characterized by structural deficits as before, lead to rising costs for patients. Dr. John Mcdougall has similar goals. So the BARMEN GEK-dental report 2013 attested to last “a significant increase of private co-payments. Parallel, the catalogue of legal services has shrunk further in the last few years. In the debate about progress, but less focus on solutions as position thinking is in the foreground. Resources from the structural deficit will not show up. Nationwide active dental practice network Dr. Z in the current discussion sees an important alarm sign for a much-needed modernization of dentistry. Everyday models in the focus must move instead to defend positions, the provide financial relief to the patients without neglecting the quality of dental. In particular at the material and laboratory costs, which account for about 70 percent of the equity stake, Z action and extensive savings sees Dr. The accusation that the dentists are the cost drivers of the system, as far as factually incorrect. According to Dr. Z are large deficits also cost transparency. The composition and appropriateness of costs for most patients are mostly incomprehensible. Against this background, Dr. Z sees the own sector in the commitment to pursue cost transparency for patients more consistently. Dr. Alexander Berstein, dental professionals, and founder of the Dr. Z practice network: increasingly to ask patients to pay the existing no longer problems. We need modern approaches geared to the realities of life of patients and dentists. Dental health must not become the luxury goods.” About Dr. Z: Dr. Z is a self-employed Dentists under one common brand. It aims to offer a high-quality dentistry at affordable prices nationwide.

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Sprung – Designs

The Spring mattress, as a mattress, which can be a health help many people. Back pain is an increasingly big problem in Germany. Many people suffer from the symptoms and the number of people who have to go so early on in retirement is growing steadily. No wonder because while you still much more varied was some decades ago at work, more and more people sitting eight or more hours a day at the computer. But already with the introduction of assembly-line work by the American automaker Henry Ford in the early 20th century, this development took its course. While everyone could afford then almost a car because the production times could be reduced drastically, the effects on health were often fatal because the movements were always tedious. Who suffers from back pain should consult first a Podiatrist. It specializes in damage to the posture apparatus and can make an accurate diagnosis and initiate an appropriate treatment option. Often physical therapy help for example some hours, in other cases, we recommend a sport and a massage can be prescribed in rare cases. The latter possibility is very effective in many cases, but costs to save only very averse prescribed. When all other options have failed, should however exist and, if necessary, change the doctor. Finally, the welfare of the patient in the first place should be and not costs. Sports is another way to get to grips with this problem. Who rather would like to train in the relaxed atmosphere of the own living room, accessible even to a so-called exercise bike. Who will strengthen his back muscles will quickly discover that this spine is relieved and in consequence of also less pain. It is a thought that so anyway even if you first must fight the inner pig dog for it. But sport helps not only the back but also improves the general well-being, Finally this is better utilised and feels just fitter. But also the choice of the right mattress can capitalize on the back pain. As popular the so-called Pocket-sprung mattresses have proven in the past decades. This, one must first distinguish between BONELL, bags and Spring mattress of tons of. Bonellfederkernmatratzen represent the cheapest option, but have the disadvantage that the big springs can depress already after a short time especially if the mattress is not well-finished. The Pocket Spring mattress not only better relieves the spine due to the higher point elasticity. They can not so easily push through the many small springs that are sewn into bags. Overall you can hold a distinct advantage over other types of mattress at all sprung: the air can circulate within the mattress. This prevents not only mold formation but also ensures that the skin can breathe properly. Who so to sweat tends to feel the Spring mattress mostly as pleasant. Summary one can say that spring mattresses have to offer many different advantages, you should get a important information about individual products before deciding. The double sofa bed in many cases can be equipped with a Spring mattress, you should contact a such request a dealer (see also feature sofa). Simon Straub.

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Eberswalde Hospitals

Greifswald started a german-Polish telemedicine project that aims to improve cross-border cooperation of hospitals and academic institution off northern Brandenburg, Pomerania and the Polish West Pomeranian participate in a new project, in which should be improved cross-border cooperation, as well as supply gaps. For this german Polish telemedicine project was launched within the framework of the annual meeting of the Association of telemedicine in the Euroregion POMERANIA. Since 2001, the Association is funded by the European Union with the aim to build a telemedical network. The primary goal of the Association is to connect small hospitals in the country with the larger hospitals in cities such as Greifswald, Neubrandenburg and Eberswalde. Also a better use of aims of physician capacity and equipment through cross-border cooperation with Poland. In the last three years were with the financial support of the European Union and under the auspices of the Ministry of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern on the German side of 3.5 million euro in building investment”reported Norbert Hosten (Chairman of the Association of telemedicine in the Euroregion POMERANIA). So far, 19 hospital sites in Western Pomerania and Neubrandenburg were equipped with modern infrastructure. The facilities include individual projects such as the tele-pathology, tele Urology as well as telemedicine. Already the first Telestrokeverbindung for patients to be recorded soon suspected of having a stroke. Some other concrete telemedicine research run already, or stand before the start. The five-year operating phase starts with the completion of the investment phase now,”host also announced. Benefits of cooperation while small hospitals in the northeast of the Federal Republic of Germany may maintain investigations during the week in the day service, is there not enough numbers of patients on weekends and at night, to finance these services. These smaller hospitals in Western Pomerania and Northern Brandenburg benefits then, that in the Polish West Pomeranian years spa practice. The patients benefit from this experience. Good medical standard straight because so many patients for the purpose of a cure drive each year on the Baltic Sea in Poland, health standards also therefore be. You had certain prejudices against the medical care a few years ago is now reached a good standard. That’s why they would like to rely in the region of North East Germany on Poland’s medical care. Just the often well specialized specialists from Western Pomerania as in ophthalmology, or the ear, nose and throat are very appreciated.

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Sleep Difficulties

Sleep well! -Help with sleep problems, part 1, 2.30 pm. You restless rolling from one side to the other. Every 10 minutes a live view on the alarm clock. You can not sleep for hours. You are always tense. It must but now finally collapse with falling asleep! You begin to worry: only five hours, until the alarm goes off. This will be a short night Yes again! How will you survive tomorrow only the day on work? Now even your thoughts start to circle. Consider the many work waiting for you tomorrow the trouble with the boss, the dispute with the partners. Sleep is becoming less and less to think. -That you had can be guessed that today again not good sleep already before bedtime… Does this vicious circle described above sound familiar? Sleep for days or even weeks bad and feel tired, listless, beaten off the next day and find it hard to concentrate? -Finally back relaxing night’s sleep can find? If you already for a long time sleep difficulties suffer from and have your brain only “re-learn”, that your bed is a place where you feel comfortable, can relax and sleep (easily). – And not a place hours mesh around, brooding, attending or exasperating! The longer your sleeping difficulties, the more thorough your brain has joined but unfortunately exactly these associations with your bed. You have “learned” to see your bed with new eyes. And that has devastating consequences for your sleep: If you only see your bed, do worry whether you will sleep well, because today finally can. And as always, if we worry or annoy, our body reacts with alarmierter tension, so better to meet the supposed danger. This ancient automatic survival program of our bodies worked just fine against Saber-toothed Tiger and tribal enemies, our ancestors had to fight against that. It unfortunately not only helps us to sleep! Because the more we us provide and also resent that we always have not fallen asleep, the further we will remove us from the State in which we want to get actually to be able to sleep: tired and relaxed. How now but again get out of this vicious circle. Two other episode articles I would like to open paths you, like using simple and well workable rules of sleep”can find sleep at night again. In the following article I will introduce helpful behaviors to do so. In a further article for information about helpful thoughts as well as internal and external factors that facilitate a fast and good sleep. The sleeping rules are scientifically well studied in their effectiveness and documented. Many of my clients have can find finally again good night’s sleep. Warning: This series of articles presents a behavioral therapeutic program in its effectiveness scientifically well documented sleep difficulties. It can be a professional psychological psychiatric diagnosis in may do not replace existing clinical symptoms (E.g., anxiety, depression). Should the sleep difficulties despite regular use of sleep rules still exist after 14 days, you consult your family physician, a psychologist or psychiatrist.

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Seniors Disease

This the research team leads to the conclusion that the daily thorough dental care to get Alzheimer’s, can reduce the risk. Source: pubmed/23666172 study of the NYUCD shows that connection between gum disease and the research findings of the University of Central Lancashire match reduced cognitive abilities with the findings of the New York University College for dentistry (NYUCD) by 2010. Here could be detected in a long-term study, that there is a direct correlation between gingivitis and reduce the cognitive abilities as they occur in Alzheimer’s disease. Analysis of 152 people found that healthy people as well as those are affected with already impaired cognitive function. Compared were the mental functions at the age of 50 and 70 years. It could be found, that people with parodontitis 9 times more often were found in the category with the lowest cognitive abilities than those without gum disease. This in turn indicates that inflammatory gum disease can contribute to degenerative brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s. Source: about/news-publications/news/2010/08/03/new-evidence-supports-link-between-gum-inflammation-and-alzheimers.html the Leisure world Cohort Study – dental care and dementia In the focus of the neuro-scientific research is a question: in what way can harm bacteria that cause oral diseases, also the brain? A neuro-scientific theory is that the bacteria can cause inflammation in the brain particularly in those brain cells that are involved in Alzheimer’s disease. In the focus are the so-called glial cells. So, activated glial cells with high rates of inflammatory molecules, which ultimately lead to the destruction of nerve cells are a hallmark of Alzheimer’s. The brain-damaging effects of bacteria that cause gum disease, but not only confined to the causation of Alzheimer’s. The Leisure world Cohort Study from the year 2012 examined on 5468 Seniors the link between teething, dental care habits and dementia. The long-term study, which was conducted over a period of 18 years (1992-2010), examined inter alia the questions how many natural teeth still had the subjects, as many of them wore dentures and how often they were at the dentist which dental care habits they had.

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Germany Gmb

But for how long? Many clients have quite a few visits to the doctor and a long illness way behind, until they fall back on alternative methods of treatment. To achieve long-term relief, there are long-term methods that require the involvement of the client. It is therefore all the more important to start small: a twenty-five minute yoga practice on the way home mentally reciting a mantra, in between the breathing exercise, the cup milk with cardamom in the evening and a guided relaxation before going to sleep go. “There are many simple methods, to relieve the suffering and to increase the quality of life awareness and empowerment Yoga teaches us to heal what needs not be bear and endure what cannot be cured”, is a highly cited set of BKS Iyengar in. The knowledge, techniques and the tools of Yoga and Ayurveda allow the clients to live more consciously and achtsamer. He learns to help in many situations themselves. Of powerlessness and helplessness are self-confidence and self-responsibility. Yoga therapy and medicine Naturopathy, yoga and relaxation techniques to take more and more inroads into the modern health system. Just in case of chronic illnesses have proved their Yoga techniques for the relief of pain and improve general health. Often allows a regular yoga practice, the reduction or even the discontinuation of medications with strong side effects. Many scientific studies have shown the positive effects of Yoga1 and Ayurveda2. Also here are the own experience, the most reliable source. It’s worth trying out. “To the person: Patrik bitter is a freelance yoga teachers (RYT-500) when Patrik Yoga & Yoga Therapy” and Managing Director of the stevia Germany GmbH & co. KG in Essen. His focus is vinyasa flow and yoga therapy in individual work. For 10 years, practiced, and he explored Yoga and Vedic Sciences with great fascination and enthusiasm. For more information, on the Internet at. Contact person: Patrik bitter Kunigundastr.

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DMRZ Managing Director Thomas Gazda Transport

New idea of DMRZ makes the settlement of transport tickets of even easier transport company specialising in the transport of the sick, often struggling with the bureaucracy. As a passenger at the doctor’s Office to be picked, the Krankentransporteuer requires regulation, so the transport document, as well as the signature of the passenger without a settlement of the ride with the health insurance companies is not possible. The German medical Computing Centre (DMRZ) now offers its customers in the field of hearing a simple and fast method of data acquisition and billing such trips. Driver enters all trips directly into the online system of the DMRZ settlement of transport tickets is a time consuming job for entrepreneurs. Usually, these documents are collected, enter then by officers at the headquarters of the carrier manually in the PC, to settle then once per month with health insurance. It doesn’t have to be that goes also differently. This is made possible by the convenient Internet system of the DMRZ, the it the driver after the end allows his film to enter the transport tickets directly in the Internet-based billing system of the DMRZ collected on the day. A computer and an Internet connection are all he needs to do this. Open the payroll system of the DMRZ is just in a Web browser. The highlight: The use of the DMRZ accounting system is free of charge. Costs only in the amount of 0.5% of the gross invoice amount, if the settlement cases are sent electronically to the cost object. With this function we will be a way to relieve the Office efficiently and to use the modern cloud technique for detecting trips all ambulance companies”, says the DMRZ Managing Director Thomas Gazda. In particular, the idea of the internal networking of companies on the Internet in the foreground, which allows you to capture anywhere from data or to retrieve plays for Gazda. Gazda indicates also that the driver no prices must be entered, as these are known to the system and automatically inserted be. The customer can deposit his contract with the payers at the DMRZ to free. The DMRZ system is foolproof security and flexibility. So the driver can see not all data, the carrier may set up access it with just a few mouse clicks, where only the data fields appear, that he needed for the acquisition of transport licences. After entering the trips, the records are immediately at the headquarters to which also connects with the DMRZ system. In this way must that not again will enter data collected by the driver. After a brief inspection by the staff in the settlement, the transport bills collected in this way can be settled immediately. This saves the company not only time, but also money. The data sets that are collected by the driver are also often of better quality, because he himself has promoted the passenger and said the doctor. By the way: If your mobile devices in the form of Tablet PCs in use, then the driver may trips also immediately after delivery of the Passenger type. Only a cellular connection to the Internet is necessary to do so. Who can register easily and for free who would like to use the new function of the DMRZ, on the page. As long as no settlement with the payers will take place the service is completely free and can be tried according to your heart’s content.

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Hand Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

It is whether or not we are healing our responsibility! We undertake always the full responsibility for our thinking, our language, and of course our deeds? No matter we learn what in life but also about has to do with ourselves. I am the cause of this condition or circumstance. It is to detect. But even if we do not recognize it there anyway. If we had with this awareness about life as a child it would have been very. The earlier we understand the laws of cause and effect more will make it easier for us and our health it is also our mood. This means the we are also happy and of course facilitates this also us to be successful. Here I would like to add: the more people assume this responsibility more harmony and balance on the entire planet, and this would also very positive for our environment affect. None other than we ourselves can make it and cause. Everything happens to me has inevitably ME to do. Out of the victims and perpetrators match. Here we give only the responsibility on the other. But we submit to our power. Our power selbstbesitmmt to live. Sore who want that. Is our assumption and our faith we are at the mercy of everything and everyone and can make anything, then get exactly these conditions as experience in our lives. We even can choose, because we have Yes the would will to think and believe what we want. However should we here also be clear that our thinking and faith have a very powerful effect. Once this is clear to us we will begin to decide what we want and what we believe. I would like to decide for me that only I and no one else decides my life and none about me has it means power but at the same time that I take full responsibility for everything in life even from the moment, regardless of whether it nice and pleasant or is the opposite.

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Lipedema Disease

As doctors gently remove large quantities of fat food March 2013 – the Lipedema disease is a common hereditary chronic fat distribution disorder that occurs exclusively in women. A genetic predisposition and hormonal influences are suspected as causes. Factors so that can be manipulated. The Lipedema disease shows typically in the form of disproportionately thick legs and also poor at often at the same time its slim fuselage. In addition a tension and heaviness and a distinctive touch and pressure tenderness become the optics in the affected upper and lower legs. The suffering of these patients, who often suffer at a young age the pathologically increased adipose tissue, is enormous. Solves the problem here in the long run only one operation. Using the water jet assisted liposuction, excess body fat can be removed very gently, quickly and safely. In the treatment of the Lipedema disease significantly greater need Amounts of fat are removed as in operations for purely aesthetic reasons”, so the Lipedema expert Dr. Stern. It applies the water jet-assisted Liposuktionstechnik and achieved very good results in its Lipedema patients. The method using the water jet assisted liposuction can be removed abnormally excess body fat especially vapourisation. It makes use of the procedure of the rolling force of the water jet. In contrast to the conventional techniques of liposuction, the fat with significantly less effort and with a reduced risk of occurrence of side effects from the affected areas of the body is released. Significantly less Tumescent liquid is fed to the body prior to surgery. The surgery itself is possible under local anesthesia (no general anesthesia required) and the drug burden is minimized as a result. Because parallel is done rinsing and suctioning of fat cells, the operating time can be reduced. The advantage of this method of operation is also that I already during the Operation the result can estimate very well.

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