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Natural Power Of BIGGE Energy

Collective green power BIGGE pur awarded by TuV. On hot summer days, are popular destinations for Bigge and Sorpe and provide welcome cooling. But the two dams offer far more than relaxation and fun. Valuable eco-electricity is obtained from its hydroelectric the BIGGE energy with the natural electricity tariff BIGGE pur harnesses for the region. TuV monitored according to strict regulations, whether the eco-friendly energy supply keeps what it promises. Each year, the technical surveillance TuV, short, certify whether organic power products actually obtained 100% from renewable energy sources. The TuV-certificate gives consumers certainty and security to use clean energy. BIGGE energy again received the coveted award of the German TuVs. We are proud with our eco-friendly tariff BIGGE pure again to have met all the criteria. Thus an energy offer available remains the region, naturally and directly with the local hydropower plants of Bigge and Sorpe won is”, Tonis Arens, technical director of the Lister – and Lennekraftwerke, making the energy Verbund BIGGE energy together with Stadtwerke Attendorn and Olpe Stadtwerke pleased. Prior to the award of the certificate, the TuV checked consistently the way from the farm to the consumer. Prerequisite for the certification was also the regular information of the customers to the eco power product and an easy way to terminate. The directive that supplements the standard fare used to promote renewable energies, was fulfilled. The slight overhead of 0.5 euro-cents per kWh for BIGGE pure benefit directly regional environmental and energy projects. So more attractive offers to set up for clean power. More and more consumers opt for green electricity, the stronger the development of other renewable energy sources can be supported in the region. For more information, company portrait: under the brand name BIGGE energy Stadtwerke Attendorn, the Stadtwerke have Olpe and the Lister – Lennekraftwerke bundled many skills and joint activities. Applies to all companies: we want to offer our customers the best of and around the Bigge. With sauerland virtues: honest and down to Earth, but also modern and innovative. The strong ties with the region and the resulting advantages for our customers are at the heart of our group. BIGGE stands out energy in particular through transparency and sustainable rates of the supposed cheap providers. The power grid is expanded and modernized. New sources of energy are linked, with the focus on renewable energy. Press contact: PSV MARKETING GMBH Stefan Kohler Ruhrststrasse 9 57078 Siegen t. 02 71. 77 00 16-16 F. 02 71. 77 00 16-29 social media information psv: pages/Siegen-Germany/psv-marketing/244764978955

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Cheaper Energy Provider

Really save on gas costs. A change of the energy provider up to 50prozent of the cost savings due to the pending increases of in gas prices should necessarily have a look in your old gas provider contract. Sometimes, you will be amazed what enormous savings can be achieved. Following aspects should be sure to observe this: first step you should take a look in your current contract. The conditions of cancellation are important. Many providers use a minimum term of 12 months. Here, you can cancel then only before expiry of the term with a period of 6 weeks. Ideally you should write the next appointment in your calendar. Some vendors have also a much shorter term. Note: Another way of termination is when a rate change their provider. Then an extraordinary termination right is available to you. Then you can find a new energy supplier. Following aspects you should consider when switching to a new Provider Note: minimum: most providers require their customers to a minimum term of 12 months. Some work some energy providers with shorter maturities. You should consider this necessarily upon completion of the contract. The term is an important aspect in connection with a price guarantee. Notice: Also this period is of great importance. You should be sure to record the termination date of your current contract itself. You miss the granted period of notice, the contract is extended automatically to an agreed time. Prepayment: Some providers, you can get an additional discount if you are willing to pay the announced costs for several months in advance. The cost for three, six or twelve months, this can be dependent on the provider. Make sure at the conclusion of the contract on this condition. Some providers offer discounted rates only with a corresponding advance payment. Price guarantee: At changing rates offers a price guarantee an interesting alternative to get a certain security in the energy costs. Of course, you can pay these guarantee the appropriate provider. You have to pay something more than if you do without a guarantee. Mostly the providers give a guarantee of three to twelve months. Bonus: All providers are always looking for new customers. Accordingly, many gas suppliers admit your customers special bonuses in the contract. This can be discounts or free gas units. Compare the different bonus offers. Base price: Most providers the gas price comprises a standing charge and a price per unit. Look not only at the individual prices. A provider with a low basic price must be not necessarily cheaper than a provider with a high basic price. The total price for a current year is crucial. Only this component can be compared. Online rates: Some providers offer special online fares exclusively on the Internet. These are very cheap and can be booked only via the Internet. Tip: Exist so that you do not countless offers, some service providers on the market, which will give you free prepare direct price comparison between the energy suppliers. To do this, you must specify only your current consumption data (consumption per year) and your place of residence. You will then receive an overview of possible alternatives. Here you can compare directly various providers

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Federal Ministry

House construction: Berlin discovered the energy-plus-House living in a cozy power plant: the Federal Ministry supports the building of the future. In Berlin, a model energy, which produces considerably more power than the people consume is produced. In addition, the energy-plus-House becomes a charging station for electric vehicles. In Brandenburg and Berlin, ever energy home plans cheap houses that already meet these requirements. Berlin is looking for a family that moves into an energy plus House test for 15 months. This new building will produce twice as much energy as the family in everyday uses. The excess electricity output to fuel such as an electric vehicle, which is ready for family outings. The Federal Ministry for transport, building and urban development promotes this model project. The energy plus House in Berlin is inaugurated at the end of the year. It aims to develop a new generation of buildings after the test phase. It seems essential, because housing and transportation consume nearly 70 percent of German energy. For this reason Ever-energy group builds already energy efficient solid houses in Brandenburg and Berlin. All residential buildings are equipped with heat pump and solar photovoltaic system. They provide so much power that a family of four in the modern houses can live independently. New support program for construction of House: more than living only in the energy the new funding programme of the Federal Ministry applies to one – or two – row houses and apartment buildings. It should assist those who plan to build a House with plus-energy standard. The buildings are heated with renewable energy as well as generate electricity and supply thus also nearby houses or fuel electric vehicles. In this way, the future energy-plus-House offers an environmentally friendly use and persistent connects traffic and construction. This idea draws on the ever energy group. The clean-tech companies giving away scooter for each sold Solarcarport. With the annual yield of solar power, E-biker can drive up to 125,000 miles and save CO2. See also: carports / building Berlin: Living in the energy plus House ever energy home who moves not as test family in the energy-plus-House and already plans to own building in Berlin and Brandenburg in the next few months, should look for alternatives. So is the building with the ever energy group as a cost-efficient and climate-friendly solution. The energy-efficient Massivhaus can be adapted to the respective life design. In addition, the modern concept of energy helps cost save. Instead of regularly increasing energy prices, heating and driving the residents with affordable renewable energy. Who thinks about his future, should invest in massively built and durable bungalows, semi-detached houses, townhouses or semi-detached houses. They guarantee a high value retention and thus have a secure retirement.

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Energy Group Gmb

Therefore a share of more than 40 percent is more likely. As a result, the photovoltaic must close the gap. If you waive imports, even one-third of the future energy mix will be from 15 percent. To ensure a full supply in the future, he should annual extensions not covered by four to six gigawatts (source: photovoltaic). This contradicts the current notions of a solid cover, which should be reduced to one gigawatt. Instead to cap to block and Bush go to play you, should the energy policy foresight and long-term develop EEG with holistic views of consumers, electricity prices, economy and climate. Lack of power and Germany must buy energy from abroad? There is sufficient energy reserves. The tales of power shortages in southern Germany is refuted by the Deutsche Umwelthilfe. Although power supplied Austrian reserve power plants on 8 and 9 December, although various power plants in Germany were ready for use. This decision was based on economic calculations of the system operator. Media reports do not agree about missing cables or maintenance thus. Truism known as the DUH – CEO Rainer Baake, that an expansion of electricity networks is necessary to the full supply with renewables enable. From 2012, photovoltaic systems contribute to the grid stability, since the installation of intelligent inverter and defeat device is mandatory. Solar panels provide power only in the summer. PV systems do not fall into winter sleep but produce one-fourth of the annual yield in the winter months. Solar power plants generate energy even in sunshine and in cloudy weather. About one-quarter of the annual yield of electricity produced in the autumn and winter months. A study of the TEC-Institut proved that the systems even without snow removal continuously generated solar electricity. Also the efficiency of the modules higher especially on colder days. Therefore, sharply focused PV systems in low standing Sun can provide energy. As a PV system with ten kilowatt peak produces power ten kilowatt hours on an ordinary day in December power. Four times the amount is sent to a summer’s day on the net. A square meter of solar module delivers in Sun-poor areas to the 900 kilowatt hours per year. Many critics then pull the Wind turbines as a solution approach. A study of the British renewable energy Foundation (UK) says however that the wind brings only a percent yield in the winter. Thus, the claim is discredited, that alone photovoltaic must be secured by reserve power plants. Solar power cannot be saved today yet, but you can already drive. The storage technology is still in its infancy. Yet there is an efficient solution for solar power: electric mobility. Whether carport or rooftop – solar systems can serve as the charging station for electric cars and charge directly. Thus photovoltaic might also help that E-mobility an environmentally friendly alternative developed from the trend to the gasoline engine. Nearly 80 percent of Germans are behind the EEG and find reasonable the levy. The ever Energy Group GmbH joins. The renewable energy levy serves as initial funding for the expansion of renewable energy. But not only photovoltaic receives funding: generally, innovations are supported financially. As Germany an alternative to the Coal sought, flowed many subsidies in the nuclear power. Until today, a kilowatt-hour nuclear power with four cent is subsidized. The ever Energy Group GmbH assumes that in a few years no promotion is more necessary. But until then, in Germany, you need a clear direction in the energy policy: expanding instead of constant exits.

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Graphical Representation of Energy

Since the 15.08.2011 offers the symstrom GbR, specialist for graphical representation of energy, to individuals on products to the automatic saving of electricity and heat. The range includes displays which depict the power consumption, like plug, turn automatically or at the push of button devices via radio. Also generating electricity from solar energy systems can be monitored either with a display or computer. Heating costs can be reduced through the thermostatic valves offered in which these are programmed via the PC or the Smartphone and the heating to selected times to automatically – or turns off. Individual products from a price of around 100 euros are available. Not all products are equally well suited for every budget. It’s all the more important to support the customers, for example with clear comparisons of product, as they can be found on the right choice”so Tino Nietsch, one of the two founders of symstrom. To facilitate the selection of the customer, be suitable products offered in packages. These packages are tailored to the respective living conditions and make sure as the functionality of the customer. In the portfolio are both branded products of from well-known manufacturers such as Gira or RWE efficiency, as also innovative young companies like Plugwise, green energy options and Wattcher. We have recorded only products in the range, which in our tests have shown that they are suitable to help consumers effectively save energy”, says Johannes Kriesel, founder of symstrom. Their customer benefits some of these devices have already proven in the United Kingdom, where her millions have been sold to date”, more so Kriesel. Various studies have shown the savings potential of so-called feedback displays. “The final report of the research project more energy efficiency through targeted user information” from the Switzerland comes to the conclusion that savings of up to 20% in consumption are possible through such devices. Thus the products offered by symstrom are a remedy against the growing years Energy prices. At the same time, they make an important contribution to the EU efficiency targets, which provide for a reduction of energy consumption by 20% by 2020. The future development plans symstrom the extension of the range, including in the area of renewable energies. Us, it is important that our customers also without expertise can automatically install all products. The new devices will follow this principle”, so Johannes Kriesel. Contact information and contact: symstrom GbR Meusdorfer Street 62 04277 Leipzig your contact person: Johannes Kriesel phone: + 49 (0) 341 / 23 41 82 73 E-Mail: about the symstrom GbR: the symstrom GbR is a start-up from Leipzig and specializing in the graphical representation of energy production and energy consumption in private households. Founders and shareholders are Johannes Kriesel and Tino Nietsch. Since January 2011, both under the name of work symstrom to Germany’s first online store for products for automated energy savings. John Kriesel, Dipl.-ing. (BA) for supply and environmental engineering, worked as a Director of the Produktmanagments in the solar industry in recent years and is responsible for the strategic direction of the company. As Dipl.-ing. (FH) for information technology Tino Nietsch is responsible for the operational implementation.

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The Building As A Supplier Of Energy

Suddeutsche leading event for energy plus buildings at the CEP CLEAN ENERGY & PASSIVEHOUSE 2012 forward-looking approaches the aim of an energy suppliers to make building the pure consumer, including so-called energy plus houses: the energy needed for heating or hot water is in the or even produced at the House, mostly by solar systems. Building can provide then other buildings with excess energy, which are dependent on a supply. With the project “Effizienzhaus plus” in Berlin, the Federal Ministry for transport, building and urban development (BMVBS) has set an important signal. What has it with the development of the Energieeinsparverordnung plus on and looks like the future is on the 30.03.12 in the “2nd Symposium energy plus building” within the framework of the CEP CLEAN ENERGY & PASSIVEHOUSE, Stuttgart explains. The event of Texprocess is the Federal Ministry of transport, building and urban development. Can the symposium this year as the most important event on the topic of energy plus building in the be seen in southern Germany and in cooperation with the HTWG Konstanz already provides for the second alternative definitions and concepts for the planning of energy plus buildings and their integration in the urban context to the discussion. A further focus is on innovative technologies and projects realised. Hans-Dieter Hegner Undersecretary of the Federal Ministry of transport, building and urban development is the program “Energieeinsparverordnung plus” present Ministry. The first fully functional and habitable Energieuberschusshaus in Berlin can be visited since December, 2011. CEP patron Dr. Peter Ramsauer, Federal Minister for transport, building and urban development said in a greeting: “In the building sector it should be possible, newly built buildings from 2019 carbon neutral operate. The research initiative components were future construction of the Federal Ministry and concepts developed for buildings that can afford it. The Energieeinsparverordnung plus with electro-mobility”carried out this approach exemplary.

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Uwe Dahl

Because the culture encompasses the entire enterprise ultimately. It expresses in visible structures, such as the building and the service cars, the leadership culture but also in objectives and regulations and the fundamental values and self-awareness. “Interesting way can climate strengthening work to support already sought internal changes in culture of the company.” How such a transformation process can expire, explained Uwe Dahl, Managing Director of the model company hanseWasser from Bremen: Our experience shows, rather crucially, what we want to change. It is much more important how we implement and initiate change. We have therefore established interdepartmental working groups, so-called energy team, which together draw up measures. Whose members wear the transformation in all levels of the company.” The next module of the Energy consensus climate: Academy will take place on the 5th of December 2013. It is titled climate controlling miss it or forget it”, and aimed primarily at controllers, technicians, and members of the Executive Board. The participants will learn how to set metrics (KPIs), and target figures and what are the options for CO2 reporting there. Interested parties can register at. About green transformation and energy consensus green transformation is a unique Germany-wide training and consulting services for efficient use of resources in terms of entrepreneurial climate on process and product level. Pilot project funded by the national climate protection initiative of the Federal Ministry for environment, nature conservation and nuclear safety is performed by the Bremen air protection agency, nonprofit and independent energy consensus and intended for forward-thinking companies that wish to develop a strategic approach for climate protection. Part of the green transformation is the energy consensus climate: Academy. You encourages a new generation of executives and companies that benefit from in-depth, interdisciplinary process knowledge, enables the to successful climate-friendly actions. The pilot project is funded until March 2015. For more information see. The climate protection agency energy consensus works primarily in the State of Bremen, as well as in the regions of Elbe-Weser and Weser-EMS. It initiates and promotes energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy projects, organises information campaigns, builds networks and knowledge to professionals and consumers. You also provides advice on funding and organizes seminars and conferences. Energy consensus was established in 1997 as a public-private partnership. Shareholders are the swb AG, the EWE VERTRIEB GmbH, as well as the free Hanseatic City of Bremen.

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Low Cost Infrared Heaters Can Be Combined With Solar Panels!

Get away from oil and gas! Take advantage of the possibilities of today’s nano technology and change your attitude and your burning behaviour. Especially in big Halle plants! A micro Therm wall heating saves energy and costs and is flexible as a wallpaper if you like it not, when the Sun gently warms skin and soul? The radiation ausgehenden of her perceive people as particularly angenehm and beneficial. You can get this good feeling with a wall heater quite simply in your own four walls, because the active principle of a micro Therm wall heating is similar to that of the Sun’s rays. You bezeichnet the heat emanating from the walls as radiant heat. That is, it is not heated all air such as in conventional radiators, but the Warme is emitted directly to the surroundings. That produced the distinctive, comfortable feel-good climate of a wall heater. In addition, air turbulence, unlike in herkommliChen heating systems, are vermindert. That’s not good only Allergiker and asthma. The radiant heating is classified not only as harmless, but recommended by many doctors. But the mild radiant heat from the wall is not only healthy. It is also effizienter as the convection heat gewohnliChen heaters, because with a wall heater from micro-Therm air space by two to three degrees can be reduced without losing the living room at behaglichkeit. This saves energy and costs. To the installation so far elektrische expertise were required. But a new, laufendes low voltage 48 or 36 volt system makes easy and completely safe to do so now to mount a MALER, plasterer, drywall installers. Erleichtert the work processes and reduces the cost of craftsmen. Worldwide patented, extremely thin heating foils that quickly produce heat are based. Thus, long lead times are no longer necessary. This only 0.5 millimeters thick foils can so flexibel be laid like a wallpaper and disappear later discreetly under the plaster, wallpaper, tiles, drywall, and many other materials that are heat-resistant.

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Energy Sovereignty

A recent analysis of Atomic fossil PR campaigns – renewable snapshots who the future with core concepts, products and in-house designs occupied, she can also control. The fuse of the interpretation of sovereignty is thus the preferred playground of public affairs consultants, PR agencies and lobbyists who spin elaborate networks between industry, politics and the media. In advance of the federal election campaign, the PR machines of the Atomic fossil roll-back ran hot again. The failure of the most important environmental Conference since the founding of the United Nations could not surprise observers of Copenhagen turmoil. \”Why not, since their official communications sponsor\” was the dubious agency Hill & Knowlton. A London PR agency whose clients include among others also of one of the largest polluters in Europe, the Swedish State company Vattenfall, or Governments that sought to justify the oil war train in the Iraq with the help of Hill & Knowlton. Supposedly secure positions can be weaken, undermine and contact. These include statements like: the future belonged to the renewable energies already\”, or green stand for green technologies\”. It was a green first London media gurus who started on behalf of the establishment, fossil nuclear placeholders\”to apply makeup. Who does not concentrate for the interpretation of sovereignty in the ring rises, has already lost. The git for the Group of people\”, who believe to have a self running subscription on the future. To think reasonably fair, competition, also the Protestant vergramte Angela Merkels image ban must be lifted first political career as Secretary of the FDJ for agitation and propaganda. Banning kleinkariert Wah-wahs image from the Chancellor’s Office is a more mist candle in the context of critical energy direction decisions. Is especially so the choice of direction between centralized energy oligopolies and decentralized structures. Angela Merkel joined without emergency of a communist mass organization. And at a time when the hopelessly centralized SED State was no longer cope. The Sovereign still no sharp picture can make this policy authorized Chancellor.

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Sales Potential

Interview energy broker and energy distributor in Germany about 9 years with Alexander Albert, Managing Director of HFO energy GmbH, one of the largest independent before the energy market was liberalised. Except some people believed that power was “yellow” and our football Emperor Franz Beckenbauer with the powered golf Caddy “because of cheaper is…!” runs through the area, nothing has moved. The latest published statistics show this. After that, only about 14% of the German population, have changed your electricity supplier. In terms of gas tariffs, 5% of German households have even opted for cheaper rates! Unlike as in the telecommunications sector, liberalisation of the energy market turned out to be slow. For about 2 years, however, the industry experienced a new hype. Classic energy brokerage firm spriesen out of the ground like mushrooms. Currently, we see at least once in the quarter that a new gas or electricity provider advertises to customers and launches its new brand of energy! The consumer-friendly Internet portal verivox is one of the over 700 city factory farms currently over 50 alternative electricity and gas rate provider – except nationwide. This means collective diversity – in every respect. Mainly private clients are able to choose all tariff variations according to your wishes. Green electricity generated by the classic nuclear power – up to exclusively with hydroelectric power. By the way the liberalisation of the energy market went seemingly also the medium-sized companies almost without a trace. Here are the rates only slightly above 10% of the companies that use an alternative energy provider. It is quite amazing that many companies for equivalent electricity or gas also accept higher costs up to 30%. When you consider that E.g. the energy costs for a manufacturing company contributes a significant proportion of the total expenditure. Just here is Managing Director of the independent energy vermittlers, HFO energy GmbH, Alexander Albert enormous sales and revenue potential.

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