The occupation of the Village started as an invasion, at the beginning was about 130 people, occupying barracos constructed in the proper one I fill with earth with remaining portions of boxes wooden and plastics gotten in the garbage. In 1993 393 resident families in the area had been registered in cadastre, 149 of which surviving of the activity of catar garbage. In 1994 the number of resident families duplicated and passed to about 700. In 2005, the Structural one was one of the biggest invasions of the Federal District, with approximately 6,700 families, that is, of 28 the 30,000 people, with average income of up to two minimum wages. In 2006, the Government of the Federal District regulated the Complementary Law n 715/2006 that it created the Special Zone of Interesse Social (ZEIS), called Structural Village.
The objective of the Law is the urbanization of the Structural Village (SEDUMA, 2007). Such information compose the scene to think the partner-ambient question, a time that: the inaquality is without a doubt one of expressions of the social inaquality that marked the history of our country. … Consequently Has strong correlation between poverty pointers and the occurrence of illnesses associates to the pollution for absence of water and sanitary exhaustion or for launching of solid rejeitos, liquid and gaseous emissions of industrial origin (ACSELRAD, 2004, p.1). The Structural Village constitutes, therefore a fertile field to argue the relation between socioeconmicos aspects and environment, that is, to develop a reflection on the ambient injustices that occur in the Federal District. 2. Historical aspects of the formation of Brasilia and the Structural Village the history of the Structural Village is confused with the history of the capital of the Republic. This fact evidences the necessity to retake the data historical of the formation of the city of Brasilia. Without the pretension to make minute a chronological picture of the construction of the city, we detach aspects of the past that, when being the urbanstica materialization of these ideas.