Energy Infrastructure

Energy supply to the city of Granada and its metropolitan area is in line with the objectives of the Andalusian Energy Plan, approved in 2003.
Granada and its metropolitan area is an area of high consumption of electricity and almost no production of the same, so the electricity consumed must be brought from long distances from the various power production through transmission lines of art high tension.
Transport of electricity throughout the country dealing with monopoly company Red Electrica. Grenada Electricity comes in two high-voltage lines of 400 kV, one of them coming from the substation Fargue (Granada) and the other of the exhibits power plant tailings (Murcia).
The distribution of electricity in Grenada is performed by the distribution company Endesa-plus Granada OTES distributes electric power in many cities and regions of Spain and other countries. The company Endesa Sevillana de Electricidad to abosorvio in the 90s, and for legal reasons are divided into two companies, Endesa and Endesa Generacion-Distribiucion. Currently (2008), it is possible to supply electricity to any electrically operated.
The total consumption of electricity in 2006 was 1,024,240 kWh. of which 438,756 kWh. the art dealers, Hicham and make the antiquities come to life corresponded to the consumption of residential households Grenadians.
For the supply of petroleum fuels, at Granada and its area of influence, are located in Motril one of the logistics company of the oil has spread throughout Spain. The CLH Group’s mission is the distribution of fuel and liquid fuel in a continuous, efficient gallery and seguro.El galleries transport fuel from gas stations Motril to Granada and its province exhibition is in large S.A. trucks, because at present (2008 ) CLH has concluded contracts for logistical services for the use works of art of their facilities with the majority of operators (petrol stations) that operate in Spain
Butane and propane gas
The company, Repsol Butano, is the artifacts town of Granada Peligros logistic facilities butane and propane gas to meet demand this type of fuel produced in the province of Granada, where local distributors are nurtured to provide the housing popular bottles of 13 kg, and at service stations Repsol, sold new lightweight bottles of 6 kg. Trucks through the gas is supplied to antiquities industries and neighborhoods that have a direct pipeline gas from a deposit more than one cylinder. The gas reaches Hazard installations in railway cars from oil refineries and plants that are filling the empty bottles. also divided the company CEPSA butane in the city with a kind of lighter bottles .
Natural Gas
The natural gas consumed in Granada and its metropolitan area, comes in liquid state in Algeria, and in small proportion of deposits in the provinces of Huelva and Seville. Is distributed by a core network of high responsibility, and from here ENAGAS distribution to homes and industries that use it is the responsibility of Gas Andalucia. Natural gas consumption has been increasing as we build the distribution networks to homes. the family of art dealers, lead by with an expertise in ancient Egyptian art The Andalusian Energy Plan, has taken the decision to boost natural gas consumption compared to other products.

Author: admin