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Weight Loss Advice

As a result of research carried out by large medical centers in several countries, found that fat people eat, usually no more than people with normal weight. Paradox? No, it explains a number of modern scientific theories. Violation of thermogenesis One of them – that's the theory violations thermogenesis. Thermogenesis is the system of the organism responsible for the production of heat. If it is imbalance, the calories coming from foods not converted into energy, and accumulates in the form of fat. One of the signs of violation of thermogenesis may be chilly body. Heat transfer in the body can be normalized by reducing fat intake, as well as additional intake of substances that speed up metabolism. Violation of the thyroid gland Another reason contributing to weight gain – a violation of the thyroid gland. Thyroid produces the hormone thyroxine, because of the lack of which, as was established by authoritative studies, the weight begins to increase. Also, when a shortage of this hormone increases the level of cholesterol in the blood, the problem starts with cardiovascular activity appears chronic fatigue syndrome. Therefore, if you are experiencing problems with being overweight, it is not safe, check with your doctor-endocrinologist. Excess production body lipase Another reason for weight gain is excess production of lipase by the body. Lipase – is an enzyme that is responsible for processing and digestion of fats coming from food. Excess lipase in the body may be due to both genetic and caused artificially. For example, during the diet.

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