But for how long? Many clients have quite a few visits to the doctor and a long illness way behind, until they fall back on alternative methods of treatment. To achieve long-term relief, there are long-term methods that require the involvement of the client. It is therefore all the more important to start small: a twenty-five minute yoga practice on the way home mentally reciting a mantra, in between the breathing exercise, the cup milk with cardamom in the evening and a guided relaxation before going to sleep go. “There are many simple methods, to relieve the suffering and to increase the quality of life awareness and empowerment Yoga teaches us to heal what needs not be bear and endure what cannot be cured”, is a highly cited set of BKS Iyengar in. The knowledge, techniques and the tools of Yoga and Ayurveda allow the clients to live more consciously and achtsamer. He learns to help in many situations themselves.
Of powerlessness and helplessness are self-confidence and self-responsibility. Yoga therapy and medicine Naturopathy, yoga and relaxation techniques to take more and more inroads into the modern health system. Just in case of chronic illnesses have proved their Yoga techniques for the relief of pain and improve general health. Often allows a regular yoga practice, the reduction or even the discontinuation of medications with strong side effects. Many scientific studies have shown the positive effects of Yoga1 and Ayurveda2.
Also here are the own experience, the most reliable source. It’s worth trying out. “To the person: Patrik bitter is a freelance yoga teachers (RYT-500) when Patrik Yoga & Yoga Therapy” and Managing Director of the stevia Germany GmbH & co. KG in Essen. His focus is vinyasa flow and yoga therapy in individual work. For 10 years, practiced, and he explored Yoga and Vedic Sciences with great fascination and enthusiasm. For more information, on the Internet at. Contact person: Patrik bitter Kunigundastr.