Grew up looking for: jobs in the renewable energy industry give perspective on the German labor market looks bleak for every seventh young adults. The industry offers a way out for renewable energy. About 367,000 newcomers and professionals working in the fields of photovoltaics, wind energy and biomass trend. But only a few companies to respond so far shortages by offering more training places. This includes the ever energy group based in Berlin. From spring 2012, students, job-seekers and teacher get the possibility of a dual education program in the field of renewable energies. The practical training is scheduled to open a perspective particularly young people.
The Cleantech company forgives a Germany-wide recognized certificate together with an underwriting upon successful completion. Application by E-Mail to: see also: blog/dual training in-berlin / perspective entry: thanks to dual training in Berlin Education voucher educates the ever energy group energy beraterinnen, consultant for renewable energies and ProjektantInnen for photovoltaic systems from 6 February 2012. The retraining or practical training lasts seven months. Who train as energy consultant is trained total a year. The dual training (in Berlin) effectively combined theory and practice. In particular jobseekers are addressed because the company guarantees a transfer for those who successfully complete.
Also, the retraining in Berlin by the Federal Agency for work with the education voucher is promoted. See also here: blog/retraining in berlin / Careers: training energy advisors, consultant and designer of energy consultants: you are looking for industry, economy, institutions and households towards more energy efficiency. They check on the spot and advise customers how to save energy and use renewable energies. Areas of application: Economy, industry, equipment manufacturers, Heating installers, Projektierer consultant for renewable energy: They are versatile as a consultant. They offer and to sell energy products (electricity and gas), energy-efficient construction and housing services all around. Areas of application: plant manufacturer, Solateure, operators, suppliers, Projektierer ProjektantInnen for PV systems: the professional life of ProjektantInnen consists of planning, calculation and dimensioning of photovoltaic systems.