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Emotional Health

The present document looks for like first measurement to define that it is I mistreat, later to resist this concept with the punishment, and to realise its respective analysis and differentiation. In order to begin to define I mistreat, the definition given by the Colombian Institute of Bienestar was mentioned Familiar (ICBF) in who assumes this concept like all action or omission that interferes negatively in the healthy physical development, mental or emotional of a minor, caused of intentional and nonaccidental way by an adult whose taken care of is the boy or the girl; generating slight, moderate physical injuries or of great intensity and manifolds conflicts in its affective life, such as frustrations and traumas of emotional order. The mentioned thing previously shows that the most important characteristic of I mistreat is related to the blocking of the healthy development of the dimensions of the person. Therefore, he is vitally important to analyze the types of I mistreat that they exist to have a clear vision but than means this concept. The ICBF (2000), establishes different forms of I mistreat which were mentioned next: I have been mistreating physicist For reference to the provided physical aggression to a minor, caused of intentional way on the part of the parents, people of the familiar group or caretakers. It can be of slight, moderate intensity or burdens and its old, recent occurrence or appellant. I mistreat psychological or emotional one talks about to an aggression the affective life of the boy, which generates manifolds conflicts, frustrations and traumas of emotional order, in temporary or permanent form. In these cases, the conduct of the aggressor is other people’s to all constructive, educative or protective sense towards the minor. I mistreat during the gestation Are those conducts that by action or omission agreden to the pregnant woman putting in danger the normal development of the fetus.

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