What actually can help during the training there are many tops and flops at the sport. In this article you will learn what actually brings a further. “Raisins are a cheap, but at least as tasty alternative to carbohydrate top gel raisins, which was by US researchers of at State University” found out. Raisins promote athletic performance because of the short-chain sugar directly into the blood which is present in the raisins, and gives relatively quickly new energy for sports efforts. You should eat this 45 minutes before your workout as 100Gramm. Flop vitamin C when running endurance training, then are formed in the body responsive compounds, known as free radicals. These free radicals reduce the success of the training, because they cause damage to the healthy cells. This was confirmed by using a Spanish study by the American Journal of clinical nutrition.
Vitamin C counteracts even the success in endurance training, reducing the oxygen utilization in the cells and which in turn prevents itself then the cells the altered metabolism of which as a result of the training happens, can adjust. Flop lactate instruments these so-called lactate are instruments for amateur athletes usually totally confusing and therefore only professionals to recommend. With this device to measure the lactate levels in the blood, this indicates the training load. Different values for the optimal training by the manufacturers but are recommended, however this is dependent on your fitness. It would be better if you knew how much lactate converted into the body through metabolism. As a result, you could find out a limit for the maximum load. But something not there unfortunately. Top fructose and glucose glucose and fructose containing beverages help which the body muscle training or endurance training help the body to sugar, as well as energy, better record.
Sports drinks which have these two ingredients help fastest to new power to build the body, and to conserve the energy reserves. That was in a British study at the University proven of Birmigham. 19 per cent entered sports drinks the study faster blood therefore you should drink such drinks during training. Flop oxygen enriched water these drinks promise better care during training. However has been demonstrated in a Bremen study that change nothing. Caffeine use fatty acids a lot can be used better top caffeine for energy production. This conserves the energy storage of the muscles and the premature muscle fatigue is delayed during a training session. There are, for example, special sports drinks that are fortified with caffeine, for example red boost made by Weider, this includes about 160 milligrams per 0.5 litre drink. A cup of coffee will take between 60-120 milligrams of caffeine. You should take caffeine not more than 320 milligrams per day to itself, because otherwise bad side effects may occur. My name is Alessandro Reichgruber I reports of various sports studies.